React | NextJS

Web Developer

Hello, My nam|


Latest Projects

Lama Estate

Lama Estate

A real estate website for buying and renting apartments built with React

Illustrated Portfolio Website

Illustrated Portfolio Website

An illustrated portfolio website project built using React and TypeScript

Crush Pizza

Crush Pizza

A mobile only restaurnt website for ordering pizzas and other snacks built with React

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors

A website for playing the classical rock, paper, scissors game built with HTML, CSS and JS

Tip Calculator App

Tip Calculator App

Solution to a frontend mentor challenge built with HTML, CSS and JS

Easybank Landing Page

Easybank Landing Page

Solution to a frontend mentor challenge built with HTML, CSS and JS

Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

Solution to a frontend mentor challenge built with HTML, CSS and JS

Multi-step Form

Multi-step Form

Solution to a frontend mentor challenge built with React and TypeScript

Contact Me

If you require any additional information about me or have any questions, kindly reach out to me by clicking on any of my social media links below. Alternatively, you can fill out the provided form to send your message, and I will respond promptly. Thank you.
